Reflective Essay
This course has shown me ways to reach and engage all of my students. Initially, I would feel frustrated when I could not reach them, and I would try different strategies to ensure learning took place. I have found that when I knew their preferences and readiness levels, I was better able to reach and engage them. This course has reinforced what I have been unwittingly doing in some areas to address the diversity in my classrooms, and my firm belief that technology has an important role to play in student learning. Learning about UDL (Universal
Design for Learning) and DI (Differentiated Instruction), has given me more insight into addressing the different needs of students so that they can become successful learners.
One of the things that I found that was most interesting is the role of technology in student learning, which ties into the UDL and DI approaches. Technology engages students and personalizes learning, while bridging the gap between the teacher and students (Laureate Education, Inc. 2009). It also prepares students for the global market place, which is technologically-driven, through easy access, broader variety of learning tools that appeal to the various learning styles, intelligences, and preferences, while bringing the world into the classroom (Laureate Education, Inc. 2009). According to Smith and Throne, it essentially makes
learning fun, with a variety of visual and audio aides, which helps the struggling learner (Laureate Education, Inc. 2009). With this in mind, I would be adjusting my instruction to include more technology using Web 2.0, and other digital tools so that more students can be engaged in meaningful ways.
I would also need to adjust my curriculum design and instructional strategies to include the UDL framework and DI approach. UDL provides a framework where all students have alternatives to become successful learners, by giving ¨a blueprint for creating instructional goals, methods, materials, and assessments that work for everyone¨ (Center for Applied Special Technology, 2009). It is based on scientific research which examines how the brain functions in relation to learning. Learning involves three networks in the brain: recognition, strategic, and affective. The recognition network recognizes patterns and symbols; the strategic network
coordinates the performance of skills and actions; and the affective network discriminates important stimuli, and provides the motivation for learning (Meyer & Rose, 2001). Therefore, to address this understanding of learning and brain function, the curriculum would have to become more flexible (Laureate Education, Inc., 2009). Again, technology provides the flexibility that is needed for UDL, because there are choices in digital tools, content, and resources.
With the new approach to curriculum design, I would need to use DI which customizes instruction to suit the learner´s needs (Laureate Education, In. 2009). This is an essential approach because it influences the way I teach based on the students´ readiness levels, interests,and learning profiles. When this is combined with technology, it provides the flexibility, personalization, and dynamism which can address student diversity, particularly struggling learners (Laureate Education, Inc. 2009). Using DI requires a change in mindset, from the traditional teacher-centered approach to learning, to a student-centered approach. I talk less, provide more options for students to choose from, they collaborate, and problem solve about the
particular task. In fact, they can teach me a thing or two about using technology, and about the content material. This can be intimidating for some teachers, but if we are serious about creating successful learners and making a difference in our students´ lives, I believe it can be done successfully.
Generally, this course has provided me with more insight into ways in which I can meaningfully engage my students. As a student in this class, I have discovered my strengths and weaknesses in the tasks that were required to be completed each week. For example, I was stronger in some areas using technology than in others. I participated more in areas that I was comfortable with and liked. It is the same with my students, so I am more appreciative now of how they learn.
Center for Applied Special Technology (2009). UDL Guidelines, version 1.0. Retrieved from
Laureate Education Inc. (Producer). (2009). Program: Introduction to DI [DVD]. Reaching and engaging all learners through technology. Baltimore, MD:Author.
Laureate Education Inc. (Producer). (2009). Program 1: Reaching and engaging all learners through technology [DVD]. Reaching and engaging all learners through technology. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Friday, June 24, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
The GAME Plan was very new for me. In fact, integrating technology at this level is novel, because of the lack of resources to fully implement the kind of technology infusion that is required into the curriculum. The purpose of the GAME Plan is to create self-directed learners, because when both teacher and student are using technology, there is a great deal of learning that has to be done without formally learning about it. The GAME Plan ensures that this is so.
The teacher and the student is focused on remaining on course with the activity using the GAME Plan. G - the goals that are set for the realization of the final product, A - action to be taken to ensure the success of the project, M - monitoring the entire learning process; and E - evaluating the process, to ensure that the desired learning outcomes have been achieved. When I followed this procedure for my project with my GAME Plan, I realized that it made me remain focused on the desired outcome and learning objectives. It provided a very organized way to ensure that content learning took place, and both the teacher and students were able to learn together through self-direction.
Although I have had to make adjustments to some aspects of the project, due to circumstances beyond my control, it still ensured some measure of success. I would need to look more closely at how I have to infused technology into my content area learning strategies, and how self-directed learning takes place. I would be using more web blogs, wikis, digital storytelling, and other online and social networking tools (e.g. Twitter, Facebook, Skype) to enhance content learning and student engagement. Therefore, as educators, we have to get ourselves into the world of our students, which is a digital world, by learning more about the technology through professional development, and using the tools. We take a lot of things for granted, and do not realize the vast potential that these digital tools have for student learning. In fact, this course has showed me that we are learning all the time, both formally and informally, and most times it is informally, or self-directed.
Pauline Branker
The teacher and the student is focused on remaining on course with the activity using the GAME Plan. G - the goals that are set for the realization of the final product, A - action to be taken to ensure the success of the project, M - monitoring the entire learning process; and E - evaluating the process, to ensure that the desired learning outcomes have been achieved. When I followed this procedure for my project with my GAME Plan, I realized that it made me remain focused on the desired outcome and learning objectives. It provided a very organized way to ensure that content learning took place, and both the teacher and students were able to learn together through self-direction.
Although I have had to make adjustments to some aspects of the project, due to circumstances beyond my control, it still ensured some measure of success. I would need to look more closely at how I have to infused technology into my content area learning strategies, and how self-directed learning takes place. I would be using more web blogs, wikis, digital storytelling, and other online and social networking tools (e.g. Twitter, Facebook, Skype) to enhance content learning and student engagement. Therefore, as educators, we have to get ourselves into the world of our students, which is a digital world, by learning more about the technology through professional development, and using the tools. We take a lot of things for granted, and do not realize the vast potential that these digital tools have for student learning. In fact, this course has showed me that we are learning all the time, both formally and informally, and most times it is informally, or self-directed.
Pauline Branker
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Using the GAME Plan process with students
The GAME Plan process is very useful to help students maintain their focus and purpose when using the technology standards and indicators outlined in the NETS-S, in content area learning. When they set their goals, they will know what they hope to achieve at the end of the activity. It gives them a sense of purpose to accomplish what they need to do. Following the action plan for their goals, will help them organize their thoughts and outline what they have to do to achieve their goals. Monitoring the process to achieve the goals would give students the responsibility to look at their learning closely to see if they are still on track for the completion of the final product. Their evaluation would be done during the entire process and at the end of the process, and this could be formative assessment or summative. Throughout the entire activity, students´creativity and innovation, problem solving and critical thinking skills,leadership and communicative skills would be developed through using the technology. Therefore, their proficiency levels would be greatly enhanced.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Revising Your GAME Plan
Using the GAME Plan to plan my instruction has helped me to remain focused on what I have to do with my students. Along the way, I have had to readjust my activities to suit the current logistics that take place daily. The students have been able to make a video to present the first phase of their documentary. Although, they were reluctant at first because they were not secure with using the technology, they became more involved once they saw the products at the end of a session. During this phase, I am still working with my students to put together the artifacts about the different aspects of Carnival.
According to the NETS-S, I will be working to develop my students´ability to develop their digital citizenship and critical, problem solving and decision making. They have to now know how to send images of their work to a wider audience. Also, there was still a lot of healthy debate as they continue to develop these critical skills that are needed for the world of work. I would have to use more collaborative learning strategies because they get more work done, and I am able to complete a lot more content with them.
According to the NETS-S, I will be working to develop my students´ability to develop their digital citizenship and critical, problem solving and decision making. They have to now know how to send images of their work to a wider audience. Also, there was still a lot of healthy debate as they continue to develop these critical skills that are needed for the world of work. I would have to use more collaborative learning strategies because they get more work done, and I am able to complete a lot more content with them.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Evaluating Your GAME Plan Progress
I think I achieved some measure of success because my students were able to do their online research in locating some websites dealing with documentary production. They enjoyed doing this because it opened a new world for them, and they appreciated the impact technology has on learning about new content. This entire exercise has reinforced my feelings about opening learning to the students, which is what student-centered learning is all about. They did not need me to feed them the information all the time, I was the facilitator in the learning process. In fact, I am learning a lot from them, and we are helping each other problem solve what is required to be done, for example, locating the correct websites that discuss the rudiments of documentary production, then locating relevant and reliable information about the various aspects of Carnival. It is a learning experience for me and for them. However, I think I need more time to continue locating information and putting everything together. I am really limited in available time and access to the computers and the Internet in school to complete the research. I would have much preferred if there was a live demonstration, however, the students do not seem to mind one bit.
Friday, January 28, 2011
I have decided to adjust my GAME Plan somewhat because I may have some difficulty in securing a workshop for my students on making a documentary with the local television station. They are very busy filming other Carnival related activities, so I may have to reschedule and use alternative resources.
I would encourage my students to use online resources to locate how to film documentaries, and use any available tutorials as a guide for implementation. This should be very interesting, because they would be enhancing their online research skills, instead of viewing a live demonstration of documentary filming. I would also like students to film segments of our school´s Carnival celebrations, which would be included into the final production. Finding information about Carnival is not difficult, so we should not have any problems. While they are conducting their research, they would be assessed through observation while they work collaboratively in groups, and how they are able to manipulate the technology to locate reliable and valid information which is related to the topic. Rubrics will be provided for students to use as guides to help them understand what I will be looking for in a successful documentary which is both informative and creative.
Pauline Branker
I would encourage my students to use online resources to locate how to film documentaries, and use any available tutorials as a guide for implementation. This should be very interesting, because they would be enhancing their online research skills, instead of viewing a live demonstration of documentary filming. I would also like students to film segments of our school´s Carnival celebrations, which would be included into the final production. Finding information about Carnival is not difficult, so we should not have any problems. While they are conducting their research, they would be assessed through observation while they work collaboratively in groups, and how they are able to manipulate the technology to locate reliable and valid information which is related to the topic. Rubrics will be provided for students to use as guides to help them understand what I will be looking for in a successful documentary which is both informative and creative.
Pauline Branker
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Carrying out the GAME Plan
If I am to carry out my GAME plan according to my standards: a) facitating and inspiring student learning and creativity, and b) designing and developing digital-Age learning experiences and assessments, I would need resources that would enhance students´ creativity, motivation, through the use of digital tools. This has me really thinking about what to do!
I would like my students to work collaboratively in groups to develop a documentary on Carnival celebrations in Trinidad and Tobago, which will take place in March. There is an abundance of information both in magazines, newspapers, books and online resources about Carnival celebrations. Students can go online to view online articles from local newspapers and magazines about past Carnival activities, and also visit websites like the Tourism Development Corporation, NALIS (National Library Services), Wikipedia, and other reliable websites that are available.
Students can use a video recorder or digital camera to film aspects of the documentary, for example, a live performance from a Carnival character, or a school concert, and include still images into their presentation. The GAME Plan will begin with the students and teacher setting goals for what we want to achieve and learn from the activity, for example, are we learning about the historical context of Carnival, the characters involved, and the different aspects involved in producing Carnival, the social and economic benefits that are derived from the celebrations? Next, to begin taking action to accomplish these goals, we would have to find out how to film and produce a documentary, what are the steps to be taken, and then plan how it would be done, set parameters and achievement targets. We would need to consult with a member/s from a production company or the local television station, for example, GAYELLE, which is nearby to the school. Students would then be exposed to filming a production, before beginning to produce the documentary.
I would like my students to work collaboratively in groups to develop a documentary on Carnival celebrations in Trinidad and Tobago, which will take place in March. There is an abundance of information both in magazines, newspapers, books and online resources about Carnival celebrations. Students can go online to view online articles from local newspapers and magazines about past Carnival activities, and also visit websites like the Tourism Development Corporation, NALIS (National Library Services), Wikipedia, and other reliable websites that are available.
Students can use a video recorder or digital camera to film aspects of the documentary, for example, a live performance from a Carnival character, or a school concert, and include still images into their presentation. The GAME Plan will begin with the students and teacher setting goals for what we want to achieve and learn from the activity, for example, are we learning about the historical context of Carnival, the characters involved, and the different aspects involved in producing Carnival, the social and economic benefits that are derived from the celebrations? Next, to begin taking action to accomplish these goals, we would have to find out how to film and produce a documentary, what are the steps to be taken, and then plan how it would be done, set parameters and achievement targets. We would need to consult with a member/s from a production company or the local television station, for example, GAYELLE, which is nearby to the school. Students would then be exposed to filming a production, before beginning to produce the documentary.
Friday, January 14, 2011
This application blog deals with having a GAME plan for content learning with digital tools. By using the standards laid out by the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)(2008), I have selected the following standards which will guide the creation of my GAME Plan.
G My first standard is: to facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity. To achieve this goal, I would have to promote and provide learning environments which encourage creative and critical thinking. I would have to use authentic tasks that make my students problem solve using digital tools and resources.
My second standard is: to model digital-age work and learning. To achieve this goal, I would have to become proficient in using the digital tools, so that I would be able to model for my students how to effectively learn with these tools. It would also mean that the stakeholders in education - the school´s administration, the students, parents and members of the community, would also be communicated to using the digital tools.
A To begin the task, it is important to select the appropriate digital tool to suit the task which would develop the students´ creativity and critical thinking skills. For example, producing a radio talk show using a podcast would stimulate interest and content learning. Students would be able to discuss characters from novels, content and themes from poems or stories, or any major issues in the society. The list is endless. Students would enjoy this as they would be working collaboratively in groups to produce the podcast, and their opinions would be shared with an audience of their peers and a worldwide audience. This would certainly engage and motivate them to learn the desired content material.
M Monitoring the task would involve observing the students as they work collaboratively on their tasks, and using the technology. Students can also be given checklists and rubrics to take responsibility for the creation of the final product and their learning. The rubrics would be used as guides for the students so that they would know what is the required expectations to produce a successful broadcast.
E I would be able to evaluate the process by the successful final product, to see if the students were able to complete the task, and whether any learning took place. There would be whole group discussions, or oral and written reflections which would be done at the end of the activity, so that students can think about what they have learned. Personally, I would examine my standards and goals to see if what was achieved by the students were in sync with what I wanted.
I think the GAME plan is a good way to organize my thoughts and lessons when integrating technology. It outlines a step by step approach for the teacher and also the student, who needs the guidance that is required to use digital tools to enhance content learning.
Pauline Branker
International Society for Technology in Education (2008). ISTE.NETS: Advancing digital-age teaching.
G My first standard is: to facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity. To achieve this goal, I would have to promote and provide learning environments which encourage creative and critical thinking. I would have to use authentic tasks that make my students problem solve using digital tools and resources.
My second standard is: to model digital-age work and learning. To achieve this goal, I would have to become proficient in using the digital tools, so that I would be able to model for my students how to effectively learn with these tools. It would also mean that the stakeholders in education - the school´s administration, the students, parents and members of the community, would also be communicated to using the digital tools.
A To begin the task, it is important to select the appropriate digital tool to suit the task which would develop the students´ creativity and critical thinking skills. For example, producing a radio talk show using a podcast would stimulate interest and content learning. Students would be able to discuss characters from novels, content and themes from poems or stories, or any major issues in the society. The list is endless. Students would enjoy this as they would be working collaboratively in groups to produce the podcast, and their opinions would be shared with an audience of their peers and a worldwide audience. This would certainly engage and motivate them to learn the desired content material.
M Monitoring the task would involve observing the students as they work collaboratively on their tasks, and using the technology. Students can also be given checklists and rubrics to take responsibility for the creation of the final product and their learning. The rubrics would be used as guides for the students so that they would know what is the required expectations to produce a successful broadcast.
E I would be able to evaluate the process by the successful final product, to see if the students were able to complete the task, and whether any learning took place. There would be whole group discussions, or oral and written reflections which would be done at the end of the activity, so that students can think about what they have learned. Personally, I would examine my standards and goals to see if what was achieved by the students were in sync with what I wanted.
I think the GAME plan is a good way to organize my thoughts and lessons when integrating technology. It outlines a step by step approach for the teacher and also the student, who needs the guidance that is required to use digital tools to enhance content learning.
Pauline Branker
International Society for Technology in Education (2008). ISTE.NETS: Advancing digital-age teaching.
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